Films and media appearances

Healthy Start: How taking up new hobbies can boost your mental health | Dr Karen Mak

MISA Annual Public Lecture: The Impact of the Arts on Public Health | Prof Daisy Fancourt

Webinar: Why is engagement in arts and culture unequal - and what do we do next?

A diagram of the RADIANCE Framework, made up of dots and concentric circles, sits on a pale background.

Why is arts engagement uneven? Introducing the RADIANCE Framework

Image showing the opening slide of a presentation on "Mapping Creative Health in Norfolk and Suffolk"

Britten Pears Spark! Event: Creative Health - A Leadership Challenge, with Dr Alexandra Burton

Image showing the opening slide of a presentation on "Developing Social Prescribing Pathways In CAMHS"

NASP Webinar: How social prescribing can help young people​ waiting for CAMHS support​​

The Science or Fiction Podcast: Is social prescribing the prescription for youth mental health? | Dr Dan Hayes

The Impact of Arts and Cultural Engagement on Population Health

How the arts affect health

The active ingredients of arts in health activities

How to design and evaluate arts in health projects

Revolutionising mental health through the arts with Professor Daisy Fancourt | Public Health Voices

Interview with Dr Jessica Bone | IBSA Foundation Forum Culture And Longevity

Behavioural science findings from the COVID-19 Social Study

Creativity and the brain: How the arts can shape well-being

Summer Short Course 2022: The Influence of Social and Cultural Activities on Health and Well-Being

Summer Short Course 2022: Arts & Cultural Interventions for Health and Well-Being

ESRC Celebrating Impact Prize: COVID-19 Social Study

Celebrating MARCH Network - Part 5

Phil Gusack Talk with Dr Daisy Fancourt 24 Feb 2022

Arts should be available on prescription

Understanding how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting people's mental health

Exchange, Network, Engage

Arts on Prescription – Daisy Fancourt

Arts and Public Health — Daisy Fancourt

Eric Whitacre in conversation with Dr Daisy Fancourt

Eric Whitacre in conversation with Dr Daisy Fancourt, Associate Professor at UCL

Wellbeing in conversation with Daisy Fancourt and Sunil Iyengar

Podcast: What's wellbeing got to do with... singing in choirs? | Prof Daisy Fancourt

Sing with Us | Interview with Daisy Fancourt

APPG AHW Webinar - Young People, Co-production, Creativity & Mental Health Services

1B5: Population Studies in the UK and Nordic countries

Daisy Fancourt, Assoc Prof of Psychobiology & Epidemiology, UCL. Edinburgh Culture Summit 2020

Sustainability SESSION 4: Partnering through Culture, Heritage and Art

Nils Fietje and Daisy Fancourt, WHO report on the evidence base for arts and health interventions

Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health - Creativity and the brain: How the arts can shape well-being (Richard Sima, Susan Magsamen, Assal Habibi, Kelvin Ramirez & Jess Bone)

CORAL Lecture Series: Dr Jess Bone - Exploring the Impacts of Arts on Health Outcomes

COVID-MINDS: Examining Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 Social Study – One Year On

March Mental Health Network – about us

Goodbye to the MARCH Network

Have the arts helped communities stay connected and safe in a time of social distancing?

Singing for cancer care

'Arts in Health' webinar series - 1. "Can art make us healthier?"

Culture and Well-being Forum 2021: Art for Health and Well-being Research: Ground or Path?